What kind of curatorial practices do we need to connect with each other across time and geography and to form persistent, transglobal networks? Which curatorial practices challenge prejudices and expectations so that we can establish discursive and creative spaces for women* and negotiate the complex relational webs with institutions, artists, and audiences? How do we advocate for the inclusion of women* artists and other silenced voices without essentializing their identities? Join our workshop as we explore curatorial endeavors that defy predefined frameworks, and challenge curatorial norms and knowledge production. Engaging with vulnerable communities demands sincere care and collaborative efforts and dialogue. During the workshop, we will delve into strategies that aim to transcend traditional curatorial norms through the discussion of concrete examples, where emphasis is placed on decentralizing the curatorial process, transforming the ethics of collaboration between institutions, artists, and curators. With all their complexity, contradictions, and power, join us to redefine curatorial practice, amplify diverse voices, foster a culture of care, and preserve feminist curatorial legacies.

Photos taken during the workshop by Özlem Sarıyıldız.